Sunday, August 31, 2008
today at 2:30 my uncle and auntie picked me up from my house to go to the HumanRace 10K run. OH MY GOSH , there were so many people there like 12 thousand people . the starting point was at the esplanada. many many people running.. wow unbelieveable!!!anyway was a super de dumper long way.. i ran with my auntie ...hahaha!! cool!! anyway we ran and ran, ran from clark quay, central shopping centre and all the way back to raffles place that was the ending point there!!!!after that took like this gift yeah!!! rested for awhile then headed back to the carpark to change and went for dinner at the central..haha!!cool!! had jap food .yummy! after dinner walked around clark quay there! central shopping centre was full with people maybe because of the mid auturm festival!!many many people!!cant take it !anyway it was a good run after all!!!310808 THE HUMAN RACE 10K
Friday, August 29, 2008
today was teacher's day!! went to school at 8.then later sat down and watch the performance. only a few people came from our class!! so in the end sat and watch the concert until 930am like that. then we go off.. yeah after that went to subway to have breakfast. chat chat !!after that took a mrt train to jurong east!!then called non and see whether he want to go ice skating mah!!he said yeah!!! so later at around 12+ meet him. ya then went upstairs to the ice skating rink first we were like duno how to skate ..but after for a few times it will be okay.fell a few times.but at least we tried . or else our money will go down the drain!!! we skate from 1:15 to 4:00 like that stop skating as we were tired rested before heading for makan!!! yeah .. took pictures at the rink.. hope that we can do skating again! and thanks for the suggestion too!! it was a good one! with you around it will be more lively(:
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
was in the lab studying beg test for later.but then later when beg lesson, no beg test!!! WAH !! postpone to tomorrow as classmates prefer it tomorrow. yeah after that teacher was going through sbm second project. there was a little bit of mis-understanding in our group. don't take about that giving me a headache~~after break waited for poa teacher, taught us err.. numerical,chronological,geographical order..etc..yeah and there was a teacher at the back to observe us. after that , teacher as kus to do assignment 7. yeah!! cool~tomorrow will be onlying having 1 lesson that is beg, test tomorrow!after that will be going to the navy .. coolness man!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
i thought there will be a test on poa .. but there isnt any!! so teacher went through notes for poa ...aiyoh!!later beg , tomorrow test lehs!!OH NO !!! CRAP haven't learn yet!!teacher went through a little bitt here and there! then she went to the topic about skin care , after that did assignment then left for break . after break, beo have test on unit 6 .. ok ok lar!ya.. test done already. teacher gave us revison paper as our CA is coming up soon lehs!! think 2 weeks!!no time to play already.. STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
today went to mac at 1030 to wrap present. yeah!! after that called jia yan to meet us early as we already finish our job already!!! waited for her until 1130. wah..haha! after that ate till 1145++. was late for our first lesson that was beo, there was a test today unit 5 .. so hard man!!! anyway i just do my best for it.. tomorrow there is also another test. 2 test somemore..wah how? after that went to the sot room for our's like a battle inside there!! hard to communicate inside...haha!!after that s&w, ran 1 round and then played games lerhs!! played badminton!! cool !!will be struggling for beo and poa test later!!wish me good luck!*Jia Yan hope you like the prsent!!!HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY:)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
today my cousin is going back to LA already.. so sad !! spend only 3.5 days with her.. WOW time pass very fast man!!!anyway had spend time with her yesterday!!!hahaas!!ya today send her to the airport!!!yeah!! take care going to miss you(:sudddenly stated poring heavily , my dad went to walked dog after that cleaned him up , headr a terrible shout from my was taughty and bit my dad's thumb!! OH GOSH !! there was blood on his hand i think it ws a deep one.. event the nail also crack.. oh!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
today went school at 9 , jia yan didnt come as she has a fever . so hope you are okay? yeah anyway for sbm teacher talked to us and discussed about project 2 .yeah chit chat , then studied beo test for later. yeah after that beo lesson , teacher gave us 5 mins to study and then TEST !!! OH NO ><~ there are so many test coming up
Mon- Beo(Unit 5)
Tue-Beo(Unit 6) and poa
Wed-Beg(Unit 1D,1E and 1F)
after that went to dinner , dinner was delicious , then later went to Raffles City and eat mudpie and strawberry Shortcake.. OOH YUMMY!!!took pictures too!!!
before it was eaten!!!
the after picture!!!
with my cousin even my mum took picture with me (:
my dear joker's birthday is coming up soon
Jia Yan(24 August 2008)
My dear friend
Algernon( 5 September 2008)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
today started school at 10, so there was no beg lesson , the next lesson was sbm teacher went through part 5( that was financial planning) yeah! after that break.. cool! after that played uno haha! again! ya or else will be bored ..later poa , teacher gave us back our unit 2(part 1) paper .. did badly larhs!!OH NO!! have to continue working harder already!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
today started school at 10 , teacher never come! so for beg teacher gave us back our test paper! hmm did really welll!!cool(: then break played uno as usual.after that beo also gave us back our paper. i did fairly okay lar .. cant say the best lorhs!! alamak!!hahas!then later went through unit 5 .wah alot of things to study... OMG that is all
Friday, August 15, 2008
today burger with yiting - she had chicken and i had fish!then got a called from jia yan and told us to go to the foyer for photo taking!photo taking was at 9:20!yeah!had a formal shot and 2 informal shot.. was standing at the last row.. hahas!coolness(: then for the fist informal shot the 3 of us stand together and take!! yipee .. for the second one was standing at the last roll with yi ting, i stand beside a very special friend of mine. didnt know yeah! OMG!happy like hell! anyway after photo taking beo lesson, err had a test on unit 3 lor..okay lar! HOPE CAN PASS!later for lunch went with jia yan and yi ting,2 of them ordered Mac Spicy and i ordered fish again!! maybe i like it! i loving it!then chit chat for awhile! hahas!laugh here and there!anyway hope our project will be fine , accept for some small problem here and there!!ALAMAK .. i can go bang the wall already. one hard thing can find so long .. very power lar!!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
today thougth that we are early for class ..yeah! then teacher already reached class and revise beg with us. then later she gave us another 5 mins for us to revise( : TEST BEGIN!!did quiet okay. except for a few questions.. yeah!but okay!later sbm, nothing to do as we already finish most of our project already, so we discuss lpd and draw lots to see who will be calling the minds school for our project.after break , poa lesson teacher went through petty cash for our sot lesson on monday!as she will not be coming to school to teach us !!!after that was GAMES TIME!!!tommow photo taking man!! oh no.. cool or not cool!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
yesterday was feeling bored at home so took pictures using webby ..hahahas (: had great time with my 2 friends.. coolness!did all sorts of actions ![](
13.08.08today arh, had make-up lesson after our break..learn how to put on lip stick,concelor,foundation,cleansing our face..and more. yups was pretty fun.after that around 3++ june, leshia, non and me went to the bishan stadium for a while. played badminton for awhile.then later the boys paired up and play.the middle section there was these children ,wah the gymnist was super good! power.!tomorrow beg test!unit 1 A ,1B and 1C
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
today sch start at 8 , teacher say she wanted to give us a test on unit 2. so just revise through first.then she gave us the test. later she went through the paper with us and see where were our mistakes. yups after that she taught us unit 5 (outgoing mail). then beg teacher said that tomorrow there will be a make-up course and skin care course and she postphone the test to thursday.. yups. then she went through skin care . yups! after that no beo lesson and went home earlier.yiting thought that i look moody today. but was not !! yeah!don't worry. she told me that i didnt talk to them alot!no worries..okay.. LOVE my 2 joker friends<3
Sunday, August 10, 2008
before going to grandma's house went for jogging outside the estate area.. was so tired and hot!brought my dog too together with parents..yeah!after that jog back home rested for awhile then took a quick bath and went to grandma's house for dinner and gathering and chit chat for awhile also watched the olympic games too!! hahah! cool(: then went home and on msn ..suddenly someone say he was bored!! so called him and talked to him on phone!!hahaha!!!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
haha!later going to escpape theme park as someone haben been before! ya! anyways sorry cant make it for yesterday as have something on to do!! hahah! glad could make it for met yi ru at ang mo kio mrt station and headed off to pasir ris there! so kiasu reached there at 11:15+ then walked around at white sand there to buy a present. yi ru and i shared the present ..yeah then at 12 meet the rest of them..yeah! err, jeremy , woong jhong, chilton, yi xu, weng khiong and another friend..then took a bus to escape theme park.. yeah! so expensive but was okay .. all the rides are also okay.. cool man!YEAH played until 4+, started to rain so headed back to the shelter .. then took a bus to yi ru's aunt cake shop there and bought a cake for birthday boy!after that had dinner there too! chit chat at the bus stop to head back to pasir ris and from there took a mrt all the way to yio chu kang , found out that the boys are going to play pool at grassroot there! yeah didnt join them as was tired and had headache..
Friday, August 8, 2008
today was national day celebration. wah stayed at the foyer from 8 :30-10:00. then thought that could go back but cant .. so have to stay in school until 12. then can go back.. sian!the stay in school and eat and played uno. after lunch walked around then saw soccer match .. after that went to foyer to played another game of uno until 11+ like that ! ya then could be released ..after that we went to sembwang to check the prices for the genting trip.. yeah! after that walk walk ..haha!yeah. went to a clothing shop.. tried on few pieces of clothes , but didnt buy at all.. no money !!!the aunt face so black , as we didnt buy but i tried on 4 pieces ..haha! but spend good time with 2 jokers!anyway take care of yourself or else cant go genting!!you wont want to fall sick when you go genting
paiseh cant celebrate your birhtday with you!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
today lesson started at 9 . teacher ask us to go downstairs and she showd us how to get in and out of the car..oh no!anyway after that went up to class and went back to lesson as normal!! then later for sbm we went through our project that we are doing!ya then there was a little bit of misunderstanding between friehnds!after break it was poa , teacher say she gave us 5 mins to revise and then gave us a test on unit 2 , sharks . difficult.ALLAMAK! after test she say that next test is on tuesday on part 2..then for lpd surpose to organize game for the whole class.. pretty cool! ya!hope that my two jokers get well soon.take care<3>
anyway tomorrow is national day celebration so no class!!haha!
will not say man is a habit for me already!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
hmmm..err tmr have poa test man! Oh no!better study! anyway lpd lesson surpsose to come out with games for the class so our's is tomorrow.yeah! and only 1 group has done lerhs! left with 2-3 group left i think. later for beg , teacher taught us about sitting posture and more.yeah! then for sbm lesson didnt do much as some of us already done.yi ting, leshia, june , xavier and me were in the lab playing uno.. haha! for the 1 lesson... yeah! cool! after break was poa, teacher say there was a test tomorrow on unit 2 ..arhhss!!!! arrrhhhsss!!!!yeah teacher went through with unit 4 incoming mail and so on.. then did assignment too!!
i love my friends<3LOVES
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
this week and next week alot of test are coming up , like poa, beo and beg.. OMG .. so many subject to learn.. almost every week have one subject for test!!OH NO!anyway class started as per normal and teacher went through unit 4 . yeaah about incoming mail. then beg taught about good posture.haha!quiet fun.yeah! after school , went to amk hub with yi ting and jia yan surpose to check out the prices for the genting trip, but dun have.. sadded.. then later went to look for a place to eat . then later went to mac to eat !! haha!yeah man!chit chat abit here and there.. walk around after that went home.. POA test this thursday BEO test next friday BEG test next wednesday
Monday, August 4, 2008
today going to the dentist in the morning for a check-up and then going to change the colour band and also tightening my teeth!!!OH NO this cant be happen.. it will be a little bit painful again ..yeah(: i had red and white .. national day colour .. i support the nationanyway for school today, teacher return us beo paper today.. luckily i pass..haha! yup man! then teacher let us do a gnatt chart.yup. after that poa went down to the sot room as we have work to do down there. teacher assign us to the differnt types of department lorhs. alltogeter there were 4 departments ..yup then for s&w those who didnt run their 2.4 have to run..yeah!!3 cheers for yiting for doing well (: YIPEE someone's birthday is coming up soon!!!arrhhs!!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
today was my parents anniversary day. so went out with my parents for dinner at this place .. dunno where is the place.. but the amburience there is super good.good service, good food, aiyah i must well say everything is good there!haha!so had quality time with them ..then my mum ask my dad whether i can go genting with my friends! he said can man! so surprised that he said yes!! OMG .. i went to sms my 2 friends and told them the good news in the end!! so happy(: YEAH!
Friday, August 1, 2008
today for sbm lesson didnt do anything as we had finish discussion already. so playing uno for the whole lesson..yeah man!!!ahaas(: then later beo , what the hell!!test on unit 2 man! okay larhs.. but think will be larhs.. then later after school, yi ting, her brother,jia yan , ian ane me went to watch money not enough 2.. so hilarious larhs!!!it was a 2 hours show. although it was long but it was also good(: