Sunday, November 30, 2008
everyone ready for tomorrow's poa exam.. best of luck yeah(: relax. im sure all of you can do itJIA YOU FOR EXAMS
Friday, November 28, 2008
today there were so few people who came to school. like i think 13 of us came to school. but beo teacher still conduct the lesson. she gave us points for the exams on tuesday . after that at around 11 , poa teacher came in too she go through notes with us and told us to take note of some things that needs to remeber. yups
Thursday, November 27, 2008
today there were no many people in class total class attendance was 15+ like that..yups.teacher took over 1 hour lesson and revise papers.. yups(: after break was lpd lesson it was games time.we did amazing race. qilah's grouyp was in charge of it..COOL. there were alltogether 4 stations that we have to go to.yups. it was very very fun. have to fun from place to places also it was a good exercise for us.. hahaha yeah
our group was the first to reach back to the classroom..our overall timing that we came in was 19 mins..
FIRST PRIZE goes to Jia Yan , Yiting and me(so called Bah Ku Teh Girls)
SECOND PPRIZE goes to June, Jie Loong and Xavier
THIRD PRIZE goes to Hafeez,Ihsan and Nadiah
our group pics together with our lpd teacher 
lastly a group picture after the race =)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
today lesson was as usual at 8 , techer went through mar 08 paper with us. beg exam is today man.i was scared .but read the points that our teacher told us..yeah was pretty easy when we took the paper..yeah!hahaas(:while waiting for the teacher to come=)
after break was poa , finished revising the revision paper, teacher went through the poa notes and later she gave us another set of poa to do revision... yeah
going to miss all the laughter and the jokes that we have!! arwwh.. my classmates are all friendly and good.. going to muiss them really much .. espically my sitting partner , jia yan , yiting , june and more.. wont one to list it all out..yeah(: todals
love you guys <3>
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
went to ang mo kio hub level 3 to see the dentist.. OMG heard so loud noise from the room.. omg was so embarassed lorhs spent about 30 to 40 mins there.. cost me a bomb too:)poa lesson teacher go through revison paper as exams are like 1 week away already. cant play a fool liao.yeah beg too exam is just tomorrow.pretty sared]: revised through beo revison paper all done already(:gonna prepared for tomorrow's paper liao
Monday, November 24, 2008
hmmm today i can say that is we did revison paper for beo.yupps after that went to the sot room for lessons . anothre relief teacher took us and did our own things.. chit chated and laugh loudly.. wahahaas(: COOL MAN!after that surpose to have s&w but in the end don't have as many people say that wed have an exams.. so everyone left alreadythen later went to makan at subbway..yeah hahas ordered and chat chat ...yeah yeah yeahthere was this guy in the mrt .wanted to get down of the train, his luaggage stopper was at my feet. what the hell..IDIOT.maybe partly my fault for putting my legs there too.. on our way down saw on bus that was here already, we ran for our lives to catch the bus or else have to wait for another bus for a longer time...almost trip and fell on the staircase.. OMG.. luckily.hengeveryone JIA YOU JIA YOU OKAY.. you can do it~OMG my church friend is leaving singapore to USA for futhur studies in 1 week time.. going to cry soon. gonna miss you too! the childhood times and the sleepover that we have .missing that so much(: hope to see you soon.. missing you peeps[:
Sunday, November 23, 2008
have been studying real hard for exams man(: although holiday mood have to force myself to study study study.yeah my classmates have being study.have to work hard for this coming exams ya[: JIAYOU having bbq at my house today. although it is raining , think still can have members and friends are coming..ahaha(: yeah gonna have fun...hahahasgoing back to study later on
Saturday, November 22, 2008
1 week have passed fast man! GOSH! exams dates are nearing and gotta to syudy liao. no time for playing already(: yups. yesterday there was a poa was super hard as some of the questions not done before lorhs. and teacher say that it was a speed test..i was like what the? nevermind at least it's over.beo lesson retured progress test unit 12 and gave revison set paper 3 to do ..yeah!
lunch at KFC
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
didnt know that today lesson started at 9, so jia yan, algernon and me came at 8 today..yeah! didnt do anything for lpd lesson just surf the net and just chill out.. yeah (: beg lesson teacher went through unit 5 before our test .. much easier to adapt and learn. then we had our test(: had break before sbm. sbm also nthing to do.. chill man after poa went to outrum park as have dentist appointment that have to go.. yeah(: have to put on this stupid rubber band for my braces lors.. so ma fan lorhs (:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
poa, teacher gave us a test on unit 10 after doing it went through the answers . later beg she returned our 2 test paper that we did last wedneday. did poorly for the first but the second paper did not bad ..beo test unit 12, had no mood has this stupid girl from my class just throw my bag on the floor. was damn pissed with her larhs! IDIOT.. then teacher gone thought the unit 11 and the second set on revison paper. yeah(:
Monday, November 17, 2008
haha today presentation. was so scared i don't know why at all. glad that is all over.. mhahahahas(: overall group did okay.accept for me in conversation..omg. after that sot room, was okay as we finish most of the assignemt work load is pretty easy. yups'pe today was fun..haha haven't had pe for a long long time already. played badminton was tired man after the game..ahaha yeah(:
gonna get prepared for tomorrow's test for beo and exams -_-11 more days and then we will get bye to each other already(: hope the relationship between us will still last forever and the jokes that we have too(: would want to hear each other laughter.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
fetched my sister from the airport although i wasnt there so i met them at city hall for dinner.ate thai food..DELICIOUS.YUMMY henow sitting at home watching cheetah girls 2..ahaha yeah a good show to watch.
Friday, November 14, 2008
today surpose to hand in the project 4 to teacher as it was the deadline ... yups(: luckily we handed in already . after sbm lesson was beo,there was a test today unit 11.monday-beo presentation oral communication tuesday-beo test unit 12 2 weeks more exams gotta prepare studying soon. later will be going to plaza sinapura to watch with church friends . show is at 740 .i can say that the threatre is full. even sharing of seats too. those people who have not seen yet .GO GO GO.. haha(: everyone in the threatre is full of laughter.. after the show went to secret receipt to collect the cake.celebrated outside a restaurant. then we walked to cathay to have ben & jerryice cream yummyy. there was also a live band there too' chit chat for awhile..HAPPY BIRTHDAY MERVYN AND EVETOR(:
Thursday, November 13, 2008
will write in point form today- class at 10 sbm did nothing, just slacked
- 2 hours of break(cool man)
- waited for 1245 to go foyer
- carrer fair at simei
- explore the place with algernon
- home sweet home
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
today started school at 8 , teacher say have to do some paperwork . yups she also took over lpd lesson too! yups got to key in our cca inside the system.after that was sbm, did nothing. there was also a fire drill trial the whole school has to go to the field the sun was scotching hot.
after fire drill trial early dismisal left at 11+didint kmow where to go at first, but all decided to go to the library to sit, ordered drinks to sit there, read magazine and playing psp..yupa
there were 13 of going for the dinig ettiquett it was at Grassroots, the shop was called naked fish shoppe. what a wired name? hahas!
here are the pictures [:
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
today was an early start , yupps started at 8. tested one another for the test unit glad that can remember. after that teacher gave us unit 9 first then follow up the test paper..later was beg surpose to have the test toda also, but some say tomorrow. sothe whole of unit 4 ..WOW.. alot to study..after break , beo finished going through unit 12, all assignment done. then she gave us back of test paper for unit 9 and 10, did fairly alright as i can say wednesday - dining ettiquett
thursday - carrer fair
friday- beo unit 11
next tuesday -beo unit 12
Monday, November 10, 2008
class started at 12 today, there was a test on unit 10 today. after that was SOT room, finished doing 2 sets of work already.. yups. almost done soon .after class went to long john sliver to eat.. yups! chatted for a while.have to go and study for test already poa unit 1-10beg- the whole unit 4
Saturday, November 8, 2008
send my sister to the airport early in the morning . yups woke up at 515.yeah headed to the terminal3 hahaas now im at home all alone.YIPEEmet cousin for dinner went to Vivo City to eat German Food yummy man.. drank beer too...hahaas yeah[:have a save trip cousin
Friday, November 7, 2008
went to the lab , have to do project 4 about the table derhs! yeah(: later beo test unit 9 . can do. but maybe cant score well lar..hahahs! yeah teacher went through unit 11 about feedback from.then did assignment too. after class at 12, went to mac for lunch with jia yan, yiting, xavier ,ian and non, yeah, a few mins later saw my secondary school friend.. hahs! he is going back to secondary school for band..oh okaymonday-unit 10 test tuesday poa unit 9 and 10 and beg test 4 A,B,C,D,E,Fwednesday-dining etiquett thursday- carrer talk at simei ite
Thursday, November 6, 2008
guys , if you are reading this post . it may consist abit valuar words in here=) sorry but i have to let all my anger outgot this call from my sister that she have lost a valuable handphone.. i was like what the fuck. i knew that this thing would happen . as she is very ir-responsible can things happen so fast just like a thunder...i have nothing else more to say. partly is also my fault that i let her use it. it was my responsibility to look after the phone... there was beg role play today my partner was june , although we didnt use the script at all . we have the confidence to say ..yups role play was good , got 86 marks pround of myself. poa lesson teacher gave us a test on visitor's register . ok can say that it is easy
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
our group have to finish up project for tomorrow as tomorrow we are already presenting.. fast right so gonna finish up on everything already .surpose to have test on beg , but i think many of us didnt study at all, so it will be tomorrow 3 units to study..okay. there is also revision papers to be completed too and handed up by 12 . at 12 all of us went stright home as there was no poa lesoon as all the teachers hve to go for meeting. beg - unit 4 A,B,F beg role play lpd - presentation
Monday, November 3, 2008
teacher also gave us back our beo unit 8 test paper . i did fairly okay not the best at all , think that i could do better. passed up our beo project today. yeah so happy that one project is done already still have another 2 more to go.. we can do it.4 hours of sot roomwas okay lar! everyone was like so tired already..hahs! yeah almost completed everything. yups[:going to watch high school musical 3 today with my 2 church friends and my sister. hear from my classmates that it was super good some sad story too hahas(: it was a great show hahaa rating 4.5/5.. go watch it if u havent do so tomorrow mini sales 10-12pm
talked at the audiotorium 1-2pms&w theory 2-3+wednesday -dining ettiquett 2-4pm thursay no event onfriday - beo test unit 9
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Wished qing ying birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAL(: although we are not so close to each other and least have the respect to wish her larhs! for me i only know her for 2 years only..better than some people who know each other for 4 years!! come on 4 years leh!!big difference learn to cherish your friends while you can or else next time they wont be bothered to give you greetings.. so think about it
Saturday, November 1, 2008
time really pass very fast!! 1 year is pass very fast! yeah man today woke up early preparing to go for a wedding ceremony at a small little church, cool..hahas! yeah!! so early. then later around 11 like htat went to get a card in raffles palce there! then later went to one of the shop to get a present for my sister hk exchange program thingy.. yup after that went to ritz-carlton for the wedding lunch .. saw Priscelia Chan and her husband there.Omg, my dad talked to them hahas meet my cousin form LA.. came here especially for this occasion! yeah will be meeting him next saturday! today was a great day[: yesterday went to my friends house for halloween dinner!! hahas there were like so many people there! many kids, youths and adults..hahas! ask my dad for white wine .OMG taste very good . then after dinner went to my friends to play some board games. yups! listen to song and etc.. hahas! was fun
love it!!