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Thursday, December 17, 2009

just back from youth camp at the GB Centre. Camp was fun and there is bonding time also. yeah.
now friends are at my house to play cards and look at silly photos during the younger days:D HAHAAHS. sister's laughter was hilarious man! yeah going for my trip tomorrow have not pack and bought the necessary things, going to get them later. yaya

***will post pictures soon!!(:
Monday, December 14, 2009

going for youth camp and wont be back till 17 December, then after that going off for holiday the next day. will be tiring. but will be going to enjoy to the max(: hhahsa
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

today was my last exam.phew! yeah man! feel relax no need to worry about anything already, going to enjoy the rest of my holiday.
Friday, November 6, 2009

left the house around 815 like that, waited for the bus for 30 mins. met janice and nubaya at yio chu kang station there. yeah after that we proceed to city hall and change train. it was a very long journey. yeah reached pasir ris station at 10. had breakfast with the rest of the people.
cycled for for 1 hour+ and when we were riding back to the bicycle rent, it poured heavily. so found a shelter for awhile and waited for the rain to get lesser. So we cycled all the way back.

after that had lunch at the restaurant called bbq something at e-hub there, talked chatted. some of them asked loads of question to a friend. wont want to say names out ya. then went to play bowling with janice, sherlyn, nubaya, suet ping, rebecca and bf and me too!! yeah played 2 games then headed home. all of us were tired.. slept all the way back to city hall and back to yck.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

finally both projects are done already. yeah so happy that both of them pass((: wohoo. 2 Nov was the last lesson of fai. yeah man! everyone was so excited as holidays are here but have to study fo the exam man!! so yeah(: have been studying at home. sigh!!!

went to amk hub to meet my sister, bought subway home for dinner, on the way met up with jiayan. what a concidence. WOW. always meet her somewhere.

this friday will be going to pasir park to cycle with the girls. wo-hoo cant wait man! hope it will exciting.. YEAP YEAP=)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

back to blogging((: was so lucky that our lecturer gave the whole class another week to hand in our project man!! all of us were like. WOAH man. Thanks. after lunch,group members discuss about the project on who is doing the task. Guess who we saw at amk hub, saw our pom lecturer. He was like hahahaa what are you guys doing here. ohh we were looking around. YEAH SCARY MAN HIS LAUGHTER..

followed suet ping to amk hub to look at shoes as she wants to buy another pair for her work. it took a long time for her to decide, yeah so after that went to walk around and she bought a pencil box at artbox.
Saturday, October 3, 2009


havent been blogging for awhile, todayy went to church for the reading programe as usual, planned 2 simple games for the CHILDREN DAY'S CELEBRATION((: yeap.
project is not done yet..but started on abit already
quizes next week. sigh man!!
got to start doing it soon